Stand, Don't Sit
As if on queue, The Washington Post has published the perfect follow up to my recent blog post "Get Moving to Stay Healthy." In their article, "The Health Hazards of Sitting," WP authors Bonnie Berkowitz and Patterson Clark highlight the ways prolonged sitting affects our organs, muscles, brain, neck, back and legs and increases our overall mortality.
In brief, here are the ways too much sitting is affecting you.
Organ Damage
Heart disease
Over productive pancreas
Colon cancer
Muscle Degeneration
Soft, flabby abs
Tight hip flexors
Weak glutes
Leg Problems
Poor circulation
Low bone density
Trouble Up Top
Brain fog
Improper cervical vertebrae alignment
Sore shoulders and back
Bad Back
Hardened collagen around compressed discs
Greater risk for herniated lumbar disks
Because sitting is unavoidable, resolve to do it the right way when you must.
Proper Sitting Form:
No leaning forward
Relax your shoulders
Keep your arms close to your sides
Keep elbows bent 90°
Provide lower back support
Make sure your feet are flat on the floor (no crossing your feet or legs!)
You can print a downloadable PDF of the article infographic to help remind you how to sit properly.